Home » Science » ISON Comet Will Coming to the Earth in 2013
ISON Comet Will Coming to the Earth in 2013
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There is a superb view we could see next year: a comet that much brighter than the moon will fly across the Earth. His name Ison comet, shooting star it will enter the inner solar system and is ready to showcase the spectacular scenery of the northern hemisphere in November and December, when he was led into the sun within 1.8 million miles. Currently he has been outside the orbit of Jupiter.
He may be brighter than any comet that had passed by Earth in a century, even potentially be seen in broad daylight. And, the journey through the solar system may be the first and last, he could be finally plunged in the sun. Dead. Conversely, if the Comets Ison, survive, it may take many thousands of years, or a million to go back through the solar system.
Ison comet discovered recently by Russian astronomers using telescopes at the International Scientific Optical Network. Berorbit parabolic comets that come from outside the solar system, perhaps from the Oort cloud - masses of ice rubble is 50,000 times farther from the sun's distance from Earth.
"Dirty Snowballs" - the nickname for the comet will begin to clear when inside the orbit of Jupiter, when the sun's heat to boil ice locked into it, turning it into gas.
Appearance will repeat the excitement of welcoming Comet Hale-Bopp, which flew across the Earth in 1997, settling temporarily and shining in the sky in the northern hemisphere.
Ison will shine brighter than "the most luminous comet of the century", the Comet McNaught, which shines brighter than Venus in the sky as it passes the southern hemisphere in 1965.
Although nicknamed "dirty snowballs", comets generally have a rocky surface, the ice-laden chemicals inside.
When ice and chemicals were exposed to the sun, it will explode and form a long tail of fire that can reach hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.
Robin Scagell, deputy director of the Society for Popular Astronomy said, comet Ison is a remarkable finding. "This comet will be a spectacular sight in the night sky, after the sun sets in the UK late November or early December of next year," he said
source : vivanews