[Solved] Sending iMessage Error When Update to iOS 6

Posted by Unknown

After a few days of using iOS 6, there are many problems also occurred, such as Wi-Fi problems.
iMessage Error When Update to iOS 6

When you update to iOS 6, iMessage directly dead. IPhone users have to turn it back on, I do not understand why Apple does this. iMessage on iPhones on the first day went smoothly, messages can be sent and up without any problems.

IMessage problem occurs in the second emotion, a new message can not be sent, progress bar stuck not want to finish, after 5 minutes I gave up and delete the message I wrote.

Solution iMessage Error When Update to iOS 6:

Curious what the cause, I try to go to Settings> Messages. There was a strange, there is only iMessage ON status and settings SMS / MMS, options such as Send as SMS and Send and recive disappear - unfortunately I forgot screenshot. There seems to be a bug that makes a mess iMessage settings. I tried turning off iMessage and turn it back and I can send the results back iMessage.

Also read how to use passbook in iOS 6