Analysis of Amanda Todd Cyberbullying

Posted by Unknown

Amanda Todd
According to me, especially in the case of bullying experienced by Amanda Todd, there are three parties is wrong:

1. Amanda
If only she did not mingle too freely (playing with webcam, for example) all bullying happens next will never happen. Amanda should already know that the internet is dangerous and therefore take precautions appropriate precautions, such as: does not meet the demands of the strange and extravagant, let alone to show private parts of the body. However, I do not see any effort or action of Amanda indicating that Amanda has been trying to avoid the demands of the logging. Amanda also should not share personal information such as home address on the internet. Once it's happened, it's too late; rice has become porridge for Amanda.

2. Amanda Parents 
Where  Amanda Parents? Why they do not teach what can and can not do on the internet? Why they did not care what happened to her daughter? There is nothing wrong with this poor girl's parents. Amanda doing things that are out of bounds due to lack of parental education or parental supervision that is too loose so that Amanda actually fall into promiscuity, alcohol, and drugs.

3. the bully
Already know no one cares, they actually make things worse by mocking and humiliating Amanda further. Acts done the people of this group is absolutely outrageous and immoral. They should be reported to the authorities as well as have both physical and verbal. People like this need to be punished and nurtured so that they deterrent.

Thus, essentially all of the parties have their own mistakes.