Download Latest Version mIRC 7.27

Posted by Unknown

mIRC 7.27
Still use MIRC to chat? if yes, then there is the latest update to version MIRC 7.27. This latest version offers the advantages of the various sides, such as

Added "Mark As Read" menu item to treebar, switchbar, MDI toolbar and popup menus to clear all flashing / highlighted window icons.
Extended $ hfind () to allow saving of results in a @ window (with listbox) or calling a command, using the format $ hfind (name / N, text, N, M, @ window | command).

Looks like it added a little change, but MIRC 7.27 version is much better than previous versions. If I do, do not ever use mIRC to chat. typically using Gtalk or Yahoo Messenger. Ok, please download MIRC 7.27 version here

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